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A Digital Signature is a type of electronic signature that encrypts documents with digital codes that are particularly difficult to duplicate. It is the digital equivalent of a signature or stamp that offers more authenticity and security.

Both types are electronic signatures, but a digital signature is more complex and advanced, which we refer to as an AES or advanced electronic signature which includes the tracking, authentication elements, or audit trail that allows them to be authenticated and associated with the person who executed the signature. On the other hand, electronic signatures can be categorized as standard electronic signatures (SES) that enable the signer to indicate their consent when signing a document. 

Yes, digital signatures are legal. It is legitimate and enforceable in regulated industries that meet specific standards. Many countries like the United States, European Union, and others have passed laws and regulations. In the Philippines, electronic signatures are treated the same as physical signatures when signing, consent, and other criteria. 

Yes, because DOCONCHAIN utilizes the advantages of blockchain technology and uses the IBM Hyperledger Fabric to leverage the features included in the Fabric network. It means that Hyperledger Fabric utilizes Crash Fault Tolerance consensus algorithms, meaning it cannot tolerate malicious actors or unauthorized transactions.   


Also, the digital signature or the AES signature has unique digital identifiers, access controls, encryption, and other systems to protect the document signing from unauthorized access. Also, the DOCONCHAIN DOC Sign makes sure that the document is locked to ensure that no one can change its content without the knowledge of each signer.    

NO. The signatories don’t need to register for an account to sign documents sent to them through DOCONCHAIN. By enabling the one-click sign feature, the signing process is handled in the platform environment and the guest users are able to sign in without an account. The signature workflow process highlights each field that the recipient needs to sign. This signing workflow process ensures a complete document with no missing or omitted authorizations or acknowledgments.  

DOCONCHAIN Doc Sign solution is device agnostic. This means that when a document is uploaded and ready for signing or distribution, signers can use or sign it from any device of their choice - a laptop, desktop, mobile phone, or tablet device.  

None. Depending on the user plan subscription, the users who create a document for electronic signature may have to pay a fee. But, the signers or their signers don’t have to pay to sign, view or download a copy of the completed document.